Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bliss + Sweat :: final photos from the studio

Bliss + Sweat

All the scary risk-taking and sacrifice required to live into our dream brings weariness and doubt at times. But it's moments like this that affirm we are on the right path, moments when I remember and feel in my very bones that this is what makes me most alive and I know this is truly the best gift I have to offer all of you. This is how I can most contribute to making our world a better place. I am so grateful.

Here are the best and likely the last photos of vocal tracking for the Storydwelling record! Wah!


Remember: We might not all be artists but we are all co-creators. We can all contribute to what's good and beautiful in our world.

What is your place of bliss? How are you contributing to the good and the beautiful in the world around you?

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