Friday, March 4, 2011

Imagination for Reconciliation :: Writing A Story of Fearless Friendship

Without a doubt this singer-songwriter has a whole lot of respect for the Beatles and the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon simply seems to be a standard that most song-artists should have under their belt.

I'm still learning about Lennon and his philosophy of life and the world. At face value, the lyrics of 'Imagine' seem to express a belief that we would be better off if all these various things that define and divide us where eliminated.

While I can't say I ascribe to that philosophy (if that's what he's saying) since I myself find deep meaning in a couple of things mentioned in the song, I whole-heartedly agree that these identities need not and must not divide us. I agree that there is 'no need for greed or hunger'. I agree that nurturing an imagination of compassion and peace and non-violent revolutionary action, rooted in love for humanity, will lead us to live into that dream. That's why this song really resonates with me.

Indeed, it seems to me, the only way our world can know peace and fairness for all people is if we find a way to come together across socio-economic, political, religious, cultural and other lines. As much as we are able, let's approach all of life and one another with an imagination for reconciliation and a willingness to fearlessly engage in 'unlikely' friendships.

Let's grow together in deeply listening to and valuing one another's stories and grow in understanding of what has brought us to the place where we are now. Let's seek to grow in respect for one another as brothers and sisters of the human family. Let's write a new story together, a story led by imaginations of goodness to all, a story leaving a legacy that we want to imagine future generations inheriting.

With an imagination for reconciliation and a hope for more fearless friendships in our world...

Peace and One Love,


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