and of course, i don't mind the rain, i'm just thrilled to be a warm place. rachael, my hostess, has been a rockstar organizer and she's been great to me. her hard work publicizing before my arrival paid off.
the partnership has been a perfect fit. i had the delightful opportunity to meet the students involved in the campus justice group. they created displays to increase awareness and tangible involvement for issues such as fair trade, human trafficking, environmental stewardship, and more.

the show was fun, and i loved it when these students began to snap and sway as they sang DREAMS along with me, and they became my percussion section as we sanf LIFT together. great crowd. thanks!

1 comment:
Dear heatherlyn,
I rember every christmas/ thanksgiving after we were done eatig me and my cousins&sister would gather around u would sit down on Aunt/grandma donnas couch grab ur gutair and play us ur amazing music that was my favorite part of the holidays. than u moved (wich i must attmit was a bitt of a downer)but what u did what u achived made everything even out every night when i go to sleep i listen to ur album on repeat all night We knew how hard u have worked for this .....we r so proud
ur biggest fans ur family
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