I was blown away by all the people who came. i believe the age ranged from 5 or 6 years old to 92...without exageration! students, young adults, young families, empty-nesters, and vital agers were all there enjoying friendship, art, and great coffee....Mmm. I love that we can all come together around a message of being love in the world!
we all loved having Jake on the cajon (the percussion box from peru) and Ben on the cello. wow! loved it! i so delighted in the rhythms and the honey-likeness of the cello. Their musicality and the energy of everyone being there really brought out the best in me. Thank you so much to everyone. thanks also to those of you who brought friends to experience the black sheep and the music for the first time! when you do that you help us spread the word and we so appreciate your partnership in that!
one of the best parts o the evening for me was when a bunch of my favorite students shouted "bye HL!" as they were leaving. good for my heart. thanks you guys! I love you!
then after cleaning up, we made sure to take the photo op with the baristas we love so much. i think i need to write a song about the "barista love." these guys are keepin it real. they serve coffee and muffulettas from their hearts and their work is their art: