Yester evening, Mike Linden and Jake Englund joined me at the Burnsville/Eagan Public Cable Access Studio. We had a blast. We were interviewed by Brian Hawks and had the chance to share 3 original tunes for the This N' That Show. It was just a great first experience. We got to share Soul Nap, Do What You Can, and Home With You. I briefly shared about our friends, Chad and Liz, who have taken to heart the message of Do What You Can (and Liz commented about this in the article below). Of course, they did that before I wrote the song, but they have decided it's unacceptable that anyone in Dakota county go hungry. So they do a monthly neighborhood food drive, and other they know have said "hey, i could do that too." So now 17 neighborhoods in Dakota county do monthly neighborhood food drives. That's so cool! Anyway, be looking out for updates on the airing of the show! Peace and Love!
Update: the first airing of the show is tonight (June 22, 2007) at 11:30pm on cable channel 15 - Burnsville Eagan Cable Television!! It will also be aired 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00am and 11:30pm Saturday, June 23rd and 1:00 and 2:00am Sunday the 24th.